I’m a certified fall fanatic. I love everything about the season- the weather, colors, smells, sports, food, and fashion! (Bring on the pumpkin muffins and boots with the furrrr!)
The crispness of the morning air has been a tease because I know the transition is near… but still not quite here. By the afternoon I have frizzy hair and sweat dripping off my face. #notagoodlook
As much as I long for fall, I am reminded not to rush time away, or to be so focused on next that I forget to be present now. If I’m not careful, I’ll be wishing for Christmas… complaining about January’s frigid temps… and lending all my thoughts to the anticipation of spring.
And so it is with life.
Maybe you’re single and longing for a family. That season will come. Until then, make the most of the flexibility you have! Take the trip. Develop the hobby. Serve the person in need. One day- for great reasons- you might not have as much free time. Use it wisely now.
Perhaps you’re home with kids, wondering what it would feel like to be back in the business world. That day will come. For now, soak up every word, smile and mess your little one makes. One day they will be grown and you will probably look back and cherish the moments that now feel mundane.
You may be that employee feeling like you are on a hamster wheel. The daily grind is wearing you down and you long to pursue your passion. Be faithful today. Learn all you can. Accept this time for growth and development. It might be the very foundation you need to prepare you for a successful future.
If you are hoping for a change, feeling stuck in a rut or just wishing your situation was different than it is…. remember this is not your forever state. It is a season. Things will change. So, for now, be patient, ready yourself for next and grow all you can… while enjoying the warmth and sunshine of today.
Your friend,
#embraceyourseason #shareitfwd